The Noaide, pieza realizada para la muestra True Blue en el marco de la Serliachus Museum Residency. Serliachus Museum, Finlandia 2023.
The Noaide es un traje realizado en tela y lana que posee referencias a la vestimenta de los Sami, pueblo originario nórdico. Además, hay representadas en la pieza, símbolos que se encuentran en los tambores rituales de los Noaide, los chamanes de ese pueblo y animales sagrados como el reno.
The Noaide, piece made for the True Blue exhibition in the Serliachus Museum Residency. Serliachus Museum, Finland 2023.
The Noaide is a custom made of cloth and wool that has references to the clothing of the Sami, the original Nordic people. In addition, there are represented in the piece, symbols that are found in the ritual drums of the Noaide, the shamans of that town and sacred animals such as the reindeer.